
As a supply and demand manager, you rely on data to estimate how much product your company will need, and how much output your customers will demand. Zema can provide the data streams and analysis tools necessary to ensure that these estimates are accurate.

Smarter Support

What can Zema do for you?

Learn more about our solutions and how they can help.

Pricing Now

Provide up-to-the-minute pricing data on products being sold, ensuring the best prices

Better Estimates

Supply an accurate estimate of the price of fuel and other input commodities

Accurate Weather

Provide historical and current weather data, an important element of supply and demand estimates

Real Forecasting

Use advanced formulae and a large historical dataset to forecast future trends in supply and demand

Choose Zema

Our value is easy to see

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Be Up To Date

Zema ensures that your company is always getting the best, most up-to-date, price, both from suppliers, or on the sale of its products

Reliable Forecasts

Zema helps you make reliable forecasts of future supply and demand levels your company is likely to face, incorporating financial, commodity, and weather data

Ready To Get Started?

Talk about your needs with a Zema specialist now.