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Zema PowerGroup Successfully Defends Its No. 1 Position in the Energy Risk’s Annual Software Rankings 2023

Zema PowerGroup Successfully Defends Its No. 1 Position in the Energy Risk’s Annual Software Rankings 2023

March 13, 2023, Denver, Colorado -

Energy Risk’s Annual Software Rankings revealed its results for the 2023 voting categories, which saw Zema PowerGroup Inc. (Zema) not just leading in the categories that it won in the previous years but also ranked # 1 for Data Management Firms five years in a row.

Zema PowerGroup stood first place in the categories of:

  • Widest Supply of Data
  • Pricing and Curves
  • Best Analytics Tools
  • Best at Integrating with Other Systems and Platforms
  • Best Customer Service
  • Ease of Using System
  • Preferred Data Management System

The Zema PowerGroup Inc. Receives Top Votes in All Categories Among The Top Data Management Companies.

As a data management firm with over 25 years of experience, Zema has fast become the leading vendor for risk managers, traders, and other market participants looking for quality business data services. More and more companies across the globe are choosing to replace their cumbersome legacy systems and / or serve new business activities with the award-winning Zema technology.

Zema provides an integrated and comprehensive end to end state-of-the-art data management platform spanning data ingestion, analysis, transformation, curve management, automation, and reporting. With Zema, clients can access over 1,400 global data providers that provide data from a wide and diverse range of sectors, including power, energy, renewable, emissions, agricultural commodities, credits, foods, steels, precious metals, stock and derivatives, exchange rates, transportation, and shipping. Zema features an ever-growing data ecosystem, which includes major publishers such S&P Global Commodity Insights (Formally S&P Global Platts), Argus Media, ICE, ICIS, Evolution Markets, Maxar, General Index, OilX, Kpler, The Baltic Exchange, AccuWeather, and Opis (A Dow Jones Company), Zema also collects from a variety of fundamental and financial public data sources that support trade and risk across all commodities such as from ISOs, exchanges, banks, government reporting agencies, weather bureaus and a host of others.

Dr. Zak El-Ramly, President and CEO of Zema, acknowledged the results of the 2023 Energy Risk Annual Software Rankings, stating, “We are thankful to again be recognized as number 1 by our clients in the industries we work hard to serve Data, analytics and customer service has become more important than ever this year as our existing clients – as well as those we’ve recently welcomed aboard – have expanded their utilization of our comprehensive cloud managed and hosted services.

I am so proud of our employees and partners for their dedication and hard work,” Dr. El-Ramly continued. “We know that the work we are doing is transformative and industry leading.” “The upheaval in global energy markets over the past 12 months has given the use of quality data and analytics a renewed urgency.” Stated Stella Farrington, Commercial editor, Risk.net at Infopro Digital.” “The 2023 Energy Risk Software Rankings demonstrate that Zema’s customers consider it to be delivering the best services across a wide variety of areas in this crucial discipline.

The software rankings are an annual event and use strict methods and policies to ensure voting is fair and accurate. Zema PowerGroup is dedicated to being the leader in the category of Data Management Firm and is looking forward to another successful year of helping clients improve their business operations through cutting-edge, award-winning data management and analytics solutions.

For media inquiries please contact:

Claire Peel,
Chief Marketing Officer
Direct: +447801932631
Email: claire.peel@ze.com