
Slovenska Elektrizacna Prenosova Sustava

The mission of SEPS is to operate the transmission system reliably, to provide for the dispatching control of the system, its maintenance, renewal and development so that the reliable and quality supply of electricity to all transmission system users is ensured, as well as its parallel operation with the neighbouring transmission systems. Slovenska elektrizacna prenosova sustava, a.s. transmits electricity on the whole territory of Slovakia and ensures the electricity transmission from power plants to the distribution network and major customers connected to the 220 kV and 400 kV grids. Imports, exports, and transit of electricity as well as exact measurements are made through transmission system lines and substations. The Company is equipped with advanced diagnostic instrumentation to ensure care of its equipment. The services are also provided to distribution companies and generation facilities, wholesale customers, and since 1996 for foreign customers, too. In parallel the Company controls the transmission system of the Slovak Republic through the Slovak Power Dispatching Centre. For more information, visit https://www.sepsas.sk/en_index.asp

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