360 T Trading Networks
Legislation continues the requirement for open and non–discriminatory transmission access in New Brunswick. The system operation functions previously performed by the NBSO are now performed by Transmission and System Operator ("T&SO") within a vertically integrated NB Power. NBSO's role in the adoption, monitoring and enforcement of North American reliability standards has been transferred to the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board. The primary responsibility of the SO is to ensure a well-planned, safe, adequate and reliable Bulk Power System. The SO works at the heart of the Maritimes power system,; coordinating all users of a power system, it directs the generator to balance the supply and demand of electricity, then directs its flow across the high voltage (345 kV, 230 kV, 138 kV, and 69 kV) transmission lines. The New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board is an independent Crown Agency established by the Legislature to regulate the electricity, natural gas, pipeline and motor carrier industries and set maximum gasoline prices for the province.
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