
Minneapolis Grain Exchange

Since its inception in 1881, MGEX has been the principal market for Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRSW) – first as a cash market, then futures and options. Millers, exporters, elevators, farmers and speculators look to MGEX when they trade HRSW wheat – and with good reason. Known for its stable and reliable trading environment, MGEX has a reputation as a good place to do business. It offers the liquidity, the product line and the oversight to ensure fair and accurate trading for all its participants. For more information on MGEX history, visit the About Real Estate page. MGEX offers six contracts: our flagship HRSW and five index-based products. Index futures and options are offered on Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRSI), Hard Red Winter Wheat (HRWI), Soft Red Winter Wheat (SRWI), Corn (NCI) and Soybeans (NSI). Indexes are calculated daily by Omaha-based electronic commerce and information services company, DTN. For more information, visit http://www.mgex.com/index.cfm

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