
Central European Gas Hub AG

Central European Gas Hub AG (CEGH), located in Vienna, Austria, is the leading hub for gastrading in Central and Eastern Europe. As the operator of the Virtual Trading Point, CEGH opens international gas traders a gateway for trading in the entry/exit zone of the Austrian market. In 2018, CEGH achieved a total trading volume of 659 TWh of natural gas at the VTP Market and 133 TWh at the Gas Exchange. Thanks to this excellent development CEGH takes the lead among the gas hubs in CEE. The unique combination of VTP services and exchange products turns CEGH into a one-stop-shop for gas traders and makes it the leading gas hub in Central and Eastern Europe. CEGH’s key success factors are its reliability, flexibility and outperforming customized technology combined with its knowledge of the liberalized gas markets. For more information, visit https://www.cegh.at/

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